Easily take control of your nutrition. It's simple. Just sprinkle.

About Us

Why VeggiePAX?

My food options were narrowing due to health issues, so I did what I always do with a problem – I learn. And to make a long story short, I discovered that – properly implemented – my food options were expanding, not shrinking! I already know most of us don’t eat enough vegetables, but what I didn’t know was what phytonutrients were, and how most of them are NOT in supplements. How I’m not benefiting from them at all if I don’t eat enough veggie variety (“Eat a rainbow!”) and mostly how it’s hard these days for busy people to find time to eat properly.

What I learned: Veggie powder, being free of water, is also free of pathogens like listeria, E.coli, and others (in my case, yeast was a problem). For kids who don’t like veggie texture, we can hide powder in their foods for ‘stealth health’ and they will eventually get used to the taste. We cook out a lot of nutrients in our veggies. Veggies feed probiotics. Dietary fiber in veggies helps regulate cholesterol. We should eat more fresh veggies but also have a stockpile of raw powder around for soup thickening, boosting frozen pizza or Ramen nutrition, tastier dips and leftovers, adventuring, and more. And a low intake of healthy foods is a more important factor on health than the high intake of unhealthy foods. MIND BLOWN.

We tried to buy a variety of veggie powders, but they only come in bulk packaging; when opened, exposure to moisture in the air causes bacterial growth. Thus, VeggiePAX was born: It’s simple. Just sprinkle. No other company in the world offers pure veggie powder in single-serve packets.

Can this revolutionize the way people eat? Can increased demand of powder help farmers? Can this alter the increasing cost of healthcare by increasing nutrition and fiber for us all? Can we get kids to eat healthier by mixing it into their mac and cheese? Can we help our elderly increase nutrition by making it as easy as adding salt? We think the answers to all these questions are a resounding Yes. Unlike drink powders, VeggiePAX has no preservatives or stabilizers. Unlike fresh veggies, powders have a shelf life measured in decades rather than days.

We buy the powder from Buffalo, ship to Dallas for FDA-approved packaging, and our little family business sells VeggiePAX out of Houston. Our shingle has only been out a few weeks. Americans don’t know there’s an easier way…
