Easily take control of your nutrition. It's simple. Just sprinkle.

Frequently Asked Questions




Who needs VeggiePAX? 

  • VeggiePAX are for everyone who eats. The everyday busy person. The person who knows they need more veggies and fiber in their diet but life gets in the way. Also for family cooks that care about keeping them healthy now to avoid problems later, foodies, health fanatics, vegans, vegetarians, campers, outdoorsmen, road warriors, emergency preparedness folks, college kids, singles, couples, elderly, and parents of picky eaters. See!? Everyone. 

When will my VeggiePAX packets expire? 

  • They maintain full potency for 2-3 years from manufacturing date. If expired, they will not become toxic, but gradually lose nutritional potency. Keep them dry (no refrigeration or freezing), out of the sun, and away from heat - and use as soon as you can.  So far, third-party testing has found that powdered vegetables maintain 100% of their nutritional fiber content, and 70-90% of their nutritional value, even after almost 30 years.  No one has yet tested them for longer.

What else is in these adorable little packets? 

  • Nothing at all. It's not a mix. No added protein (spirulina, etc.), no artificial coloring, sweeteners or preservatives (stevia, sorbitol, etc.) Packets contain ONLY the vegetable. PURE. Even though we are not required to state ingredients that make up less than 2%, we don't have ANYTHING except the vegetable itself in powdered form. Period. Oh, and...

    *Non-GMO, gluten free, no caffeine, dairy and soy free, low calorie, no sugar or artificial sweeteners of any kind, no sodium, no preservatives, no additives, no protein, no artificial coloring or flavoring. Vegan. Vegetarian. People ask us, "Is it gluten-free?" and we say, "Is a carrot?"  Boom.

Can I buy VeggiePAX in a store? 

  • Not at this time, but coming soon! We have some interested store owners for sure.

How much should I buy? 

  • This varies by your intended use. Home cooks love to have them on-hand and want a few packages at the ready. Parents who want stealth health for their picky eaters use it up faster and restock every few weeks or so after adding it to all kinds of meals. Some buy enough to feel they have a good supply in emergency situations and could be many months of stores. Campers only need them when they camp and buy them as they’re thinking about packing up. We sell packages to parents with college kids in college dorms (to add to care packages) to health-up their Ramen, etc.

Why isn't my stickpack full of the powder? 

  • I know, like potato chip bags, right!? VeggiePAX aren't filled by volume but by weight, because some vegetables are more dense than others. Settling can occur. Also, to safely seal the packages, they must be larger than the contents. Then there's the pesky air because the powder is so fine. But no worries - it's in there.

What are the delivery options? 

  • You can order online (individual packs or a subscription), or meet us at a farmers’ market (pending the conquest of the coronavirus), or hire a local delivery service to pick up your VeggiePAX.

Why don’t you offer all veggies? 

  • We will constantly source our suppliers for as many veggies as we can to offer you a rainbow variety package! Seasonality plays a part, as do availability, shipping delays, quality, price, etc.

Can I buy vegetable powder in bulk and put in shakers? 

  • Yes you can, but there's a problem.  If you use a shaker of powder over a hot steaming pot on the stove or over a warmed plate of food, the moisture will contaminate the dehydrated vegetables (we know because we tried), introducing clumping, mold, yeast, bacteria, etc. Totally didn't work. Our single-serve packets prevent this by encouraging the use of the entire packet with no contamination.

Can I feed this to children? 

  • Yes, VeggiePAX are pure vegetables with no additives. But be sure they are mixed in well so that dust isn't aspirated, and be sure the child isn't allergic to that vegetable before feeding it to them.

What is the equivalent of VeggiePAX to fresh? 

  • Each individual packet is approximately the equivalent of one quarter cup of fresh vegetables. Therefore, two packets are a half cup equivalent.

Why are they in small packets? 

  • When we first hit upon the idea, we bought 20-pound bags of powdered vegetables.  We didn't realize that they would absorb moisture from the air, and turn into bricks in less than a week.  We tried putting them in shakers, or even a smaller bag and resealing them.  Though that worked best, it made a mess, and we had to use them quickly.
  • Never before have powdered vegetables been available in single-serve FDA-approved packets! Tea-bag sized, each packet is equivalent to a quarter cup of fresh veggies… you can buy powdered vegetables online elsewhere, but once the large package is opened, it’s subject to moisture, which invites mold, yeast, and bacteria. Who can use those large packages fast enough to keep the product safe? These are so convenient.

Why can’t I choose which vegetables go into my variety pack? 

  • Some of the vegetables cost more to produce than others, or are seasonal, so to keep the package affordable for you, the pricing is averaged out. But email us and we can discuss pricing for future custom packaging.

Don’t I get enough nutrition in my daily multi-vitamin? 

  • Probably not. We encourage you to eat as much fresh vegetables (non-powdered) as possible. But sometimes you need a boost. Vitamin supplements don’t contain the natural prebiotic fiber that VeggiePAX does. They certainly don't contain the phytonutrients that are so critical to long-term health (especially when one is growing up!)  You also can't make bland food taste better. And most studies report that you get more benefits from the natural whole foods than manufactured pills. Some pills exist that are just the vegetable powder to swallow, with no food enhancement qualities. VeggiePAX are also small enough that you can hide them in another food if you're not a fan of the flavor.

How do I make VeggiePAX last longest? 

  • Food quality is affected by heat, so the storage temperature helps determine length of storage; the higher the temperature, the shorter the storage time. Store your VeggiePAX in a cool, dark, dry place… out of the sun. Keep sealed in their FDA-approved packets and they should last for years at full potency, and even more years at a lesser potency. But we recommend you use them when they taste best (close to purchase) – and when you need them… ASAP!

Are VeggiePAX non-GMO? 

  • Yes.

Is the powder organic? 

  • Not at this time. The price that customers are willing to pay will not allow us to use pricey organic vegetables, but we may offer that option in the future. Keep in mind, we steer clear from most vegetables on the "dirty dozen" list.

Do you sell a mix (like two veggies in one packet)? 

  • Not at this time. Although rare, some customers are allergic to some vegetables, so we keep the vegetables separate. We are currently testing and may introduce a special mix in the future.

Where are the bulk vegetables from? 

  • VeggiePAX is sourced from a variety of trusted vendors/manufacturers and we constantly source suppliers for the best prices, best taste, best reputation, and best variety. This will change all the time to offer the best product we can. All manufacturers are compliant with GMP regulations, quality-controlled, and tested for pathogenic bacteria, fungal counts, and heavy metals.  

Do you package dried fruit powder in single-serve packets as well? 

  • Not at this time.

Are the packets safe? 

  • Once dehydrated, there is no water to introduce mold, yeast, or bacteria to your powder, and packaged in FDA-approved bags. Drying veggies removes 98% of water content, but remains rich in antioxidants, iron, fiber, plus a vast array of essential vitamins and minerals. Dehydrated while fresh, it stays that way for YEARS, not weeks. Most produce you find at the grocer isn’t as fresh as it seems...by the time you eat it, little nutrition is left. Food is grown, shipped over a thousand miles, then sits in cold storage before the store shelves. That means it takes a week or more before it reaches you. There are significant drops in nutrient levels each day it takes to travel. And then further each day it sits in your fridge. VeggiePAX is nearly as fresh as the day it was dehydrated, losing very few nutrients.  

Do the vegetables lose nutrients when they're processed into powder? 

  • Yes, particularly vitamins A and C. Unless you grow the vegetables in your own garden and eat them as harvested, you will lose nutrients no matter HOW you acquire them. Fresh vegetables, picked and harvested are washed and bundled... and exposed to oxygen, light, and moisture, and they get sprayed with water to keep them cold and fresh, so there's nutrient loss occurring day-by-day. Also food is grown, shipped over a thousand miles, then sit in cold storage before even hitting grocer shelves. That means it takes a week or more before it reaches you.
  • There are significant drops in nutrient levels each day it takes to travel. And then further loss each day it sits in your fridge. Then a lot of nutritional loss when they’re cooked at home. Frozen is almost always higher in nutrient content because veggies were picked and processed at the highest point of quality and then frozen to preserve (like powdered). However, frozen vegetables are initially blanched to inactivate enzymes that would otherwise break down nutrients, then frozen to stop bacterial spoilage. They lose nutrients in that process. Then loss occurs through the water when thawing. Then a lot of nutritional loss when they’re cooked at home.
  • Powder loses nutrients in the drying process, some methods more than others, but is being perfected all the time due to demand. With that said, VeggiePAX are NOT an alternative to fresh. They are a convenient supplement for those who don’t get enough (which frankly, is most of us.) Which is nearly everyone. Eat all kinds. Often. VeggiePAX are a convenient way to plus up any meal.   

These FAQs were not evaluated by the FDA and 

VeggiePAX are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent diseases of any kind.