Easily take control of your nutrition. It's simple. Just sprinkle.

Vegetable Nutrition

Each vegetable contains different concentrations of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. 

The table below is sourced from various sources and is intended as a general introduction.

Please keep in mind that it only references essential vitamins and minerals,

but nutrition is so much more.

Over 25,000 phytonutrients are known today; they are nearly impossible to account for here.

Each vegetable has a unique mix of them, and resulting benefits.

Which is why it's important to eat a rainbow!



Yes...there's that.

Sheltering in place is part of the effort to stop the spread of COVID-19.  In most cases, this still allows for buying food as needed.  In third-party testing, powdered vegetables have proven extremely stable, retaining 70-90% of their nutritional value even after three decades.  They probably last longer, but no one has run longer tests.  (https://www.usaemergencysupply.com/information-center/all-about/all-about-dehydrated-vegetables)

No need to go to the store and potentially expose yourself (Italy has already run that gauntlet with devastating results.)  No need to requisition a HazMat suit, either - or cobble something together yourself - if you find nothing else ready to hand.  No need to take up space in your refrigerator, and VeggiePAX have 15-20 times the nutrition for the same weight.  All we did was take the water out.

Even if you're having food delivered, in many cases there's simply no substitute for uncooked vegetables.  Just add VeggiePAX to whatever you're already eating.  If you don't like a particular vegetable (broccoli, for example,) just use one packet.  If you're having pasta (which also keeps in storage well) and want to add flavor, add two instead.  Or try mixing them!

This makes VeggiePAX the only vegetable product in the world that can be consumed on an as-needed, when-needed basis.  Considering the importance of vegetables in the human diet, this should be of almost inestimable value in the event of civilization-level disruption.  Certainly they would be a perfect solution to go with MREs (if you are already prepared) or peanut butter and powdered milk (if you're only stocking to ride out the present situation.)

Vegetables, eat a rainbow, how to survive COVID-19,

Tomato, Carrot, Broccoli, Kale, Sweet Potato, Cabbage, Cauliflower.  Eat a rainbow...we'll help!


Current VeggiePAX nutritional panel.