Easily take control of your nutrition. It's simple. Just sprinkle.

Why Veggies?

We learned about food microbiology and realized we had one easy solution to a few big problems:


1. We simply don't eat enough veggies.

  • Veggies are among the healthiest foods on Earth; nobody disputes vegetables' ability to lower health risks. Still, people have a hard time meeting the daily recommendation. Why? Time deficit. Texture. Spoilage. Taste. 
  • 'Phyto' is a Greek word for plant. Nutrition in plants (phytonutrients) can't be found anywhere else. ‘Fight-o-nutrients’ are ONLY found in plants and the basis for more than 40% of medications today. They are bioactive compounds that protect plants from harmful bacteria, and we humans benefit when we consume them. 
  • There are over 10,000 known phytonutrients in veggies – and very few of them make it to vitamin supplements. And different plants have different protections - we highly encourage eating a rainbow of veggies.

VeggiePAX sprinkled on all your food fixes this problem.


2. We don't consume enough dietary fiber.

  • Vegetables are some of the richest sources of dietary fiber in existence. 
  • Fiber promotes satiety - the feeling of lasting fullness, helping to maintain a healthy weight.
  • Dietary fiber cleans the digestive tract and drags out toxin, bile, and expels cholesterol. Essentially... it's essential! 
  • Vitamins don't provide dietary fiber.

VeggiePAX sprinkled on all your food adds needed fiber.


3. We embrace probiotics, but we then drop the ball.

  • We don't feed the expensive probiotics to keep them alive in our guts. 
  • Prebiotics, or vegetables, feed them. 
  • Eat more vegetables. Consider it body maintenance; you only have one.

VeggiePAX sprinkled on all your food feeds your gut.


4. We have been taught to believe that vitamin supplements are the answer.

  • People who don't eat enough veggies spend their money on the next popular supplement, which doesn't fix their problems. 
  • Our bodies are designed to absorb foods that are naturally produced, not mixed chemically in a lab. 
  • Key phytonutrients are poorly absorbed and are of far less value if taken as a supplement, which don't contain myrosinase enzymes only found in whole foods. 
  • Most phytonutrients are not included in dietary supplements/vitamins. 

VeggiePAX sprinkled on all your food saves money spent on vitamins.