Easily take control of your nutrition. It's simple. Just sprinkle.


VeggiePAX are powdered vegetables,

in single-serve packets, ready for use 

in whatever you're eating - like salt, only healthier!

Nothing added. Just pure veggies.

SO EASY to take control of your health.


Why "PAX"?

Pax is Latin for 'Peace.'

Keep peace in your household through stealth heath.

Engender peace between a growing world and its finite resources.

Keep your nutritional need at peace, even when resources are limited.


Why VeggiePAX?

How to use VeggiePAX?

New theory about obesity - signal distortion!

The body wants more nutrition but the brain thinks it wants more calories...

Teenage Boy Goes Blind After Existing on Pringles, White Bread, and French Fries

Major CNN news story September 2019 about fussy eaters and not enough nutrition.

Because he didn't like the texture of vegetables, he wasn't eating any.

11 year old Boy Goes Blind After Eating Only Meat, Potatoes, and Cereal, for 'Eczema Treatment Diet'

Another case of blindness from 2017; another child went blind due to poor nutrition.  

What we AREN'T eating is killing us

New global study tells us is that a low intake of healthy foods is a more important health factor than the high intake of unhealthy foods.

Individual packets keep your veggies fresh until use. 

No mold, no bacteria, no yeast. 


  • More than 20 brands have been pulled in the United States and Canada after a sampling of one of the wholesaler's products tested positive for listeria. 
  • The bacteria ‘listeria’ can be serious and even fatal for the elderly, young children, or those with weakened immune systems. Symptoms include fever, severe headache, stiffness, nausea, abdominal pain, loss of balance, and confusion. Shigella, Giardia Lamblia, Listeria, Rotavirus, and Noroviruses all are common bacteria on raw vegetables, as well as E.coli and salmonella. 

Dried vegetables in powder form (such as VeggiePAX) do not support the growth of bacteria, which need water to thrive.

Try VeggiePAX today!

 We want to change the way people eat by making adding nutrition as easy as adding salt. Rip one open and boost your food's nutrition immediately and deliciously. Go ahead, give VeggiePAX a try!

  • Equivalent to Fresh
    Each kit contains 2 packets each of 7 different kinds of vitamin-rich vegetables (total 14) to encourage you to eat a rainbow for better health. One packet = approximately equivalent of 1/4 cup fresh. Two packets of each = 1/2 cup.
  • Best of Both Worlds
    Veggie HATERS can boost their nutrition because powder is sans-texture. This is perfect for hiding in sauces, etc. for picky children as well. Also, veggie LOVERS can add the taste they so enjoy to bland foods.